Holistic learning and the learning atmosphere

By HENRY S. TENEDERO, Manila Bulletin Online, August 11, 2011, 8:00am. The author is the president of the Center for Learning and Teaching Styles and MINDful IDEAS, an affiliate of the International Learning Styles Network, based at St. John’s University in New York.

Why patronize holistic learning? Isn't Islamic education about "dunya" and "akhirat" together?

MANILA, Philipppines — All learning involves our body, mind, emotions, attitudes and others. All of our feelings, beliefs, personal problems, and attitudes affect our learning capacity. Teachers need to consider the emotional disposition of students because those who are not emotionally disposed will not achieve optimal learning.

Holistic learning recognizes the body-mind-feeling linkage.

Negative emotions need to be processed while the positive ones need to be drawn out. Engaging the total human person - body, mind, spirit - with emotionally provoking activities improve learning and retention.

The classroom learning environment involves design, seating arrangement, temperature, color, sound, light, and peripheral learning materials. Generally, the seating arrangement is linear for easeon the part of the teacher to check

The sitting posture is so formal that students endure sitting with only four square inches of the bones to support the upper body weight. Because of the resulting discomfort, students become fidgety and uneasy and are misconstrued to be misbehaving.

Perhaps it is time that students are allowed to sit in a manner convenient to them. Where environment is also concerned, perhaps classical music or different kinds of light that the students prefer might be used. Both factors have been proven to increase learning retention.

Peripheral learning like posters, charts, graphs and quotations allow the students to peripherally intensify and enforce their learning and memory retention unconsciously.

The teacher factor

Teacher-factor is very important. A highly motivated teacher excites and emotionally provokes students to learn. Almost always, a boring teacher produces a boring class. There are no boring subjects.

How subjects come across depends on the presentation and modality emPloyed by the teacher. Teachers need to enhance and update their facilitation skills. Authority in the realm of teaching and training implies being a person who is worth listening to.

The culture or habit of affirming a student instead of laughing at his mistakes need to be developed.

Laughing at a student's mistakes damages his self-esteem. Students attain optimal learning and memory retention given a meaningful and positive learning climate, whether at home or in school, like positive comments, joyfulness, childlikeness, social acceptance, enthusiasm, and stimulating challenges.

Source: http://www.mb.com.ph/articles/330189/holistic-learning-and-learning-atmosphere