Webinar: How to Connect Islam to Any Subject Through an Integrated Curriculum

Curriculum integration has always been one of those hot-button issues facing Islamic schools. Everyone agrees that it needs to be done — but beyond that we’re largely confused about how to do it.

Luckily, Dr. Seema Imam teaches an entire course on curriculum integration as part of our Online Certificate Program.

We’ve asked her to lead us in a webinar that will tackle some of the foundational topics surrounding curriculum integration that everyone teacher needs to understand, such as:
  • The concepts of integrated curriculum and thematic curriculum
  • How to connect Islamic Studies to core subjects
  • How to create authentically integrated curriculum units
  • Examples of holistic curriculum integration and how to achieve it-
Webinar Outline 
00:24 – Welcome and Introduction 
04:37 – Planning Methodologies with Islam at the Core 
09:20 – Concepts for Todays Webinar 
10:15 – Integrated Curriculum and Thematic Teaching 
19:22 – Connecting Islamic Studies to Core Subjects 
32:32 – Creating Authentically Integrated Curriculum Units 
40:52 – Results of Teaching Through Curriculum Integration 
47:05 – Question and Answer 
59:16 – Wrapping up

Dr. Seema Imam is a Course Instructor at the Islamic Teacher Education Program. She has sixteen years of classroom experience, has served as founding principal of a large metropolitan area Islamic School for five years, does international consulting and has been serving at the university level as a teacher educator for ten years.