Singapore: MUIS to increase funding to madrasahs, financial assistance for needy

SINGAPORE: The Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (MUIS) will increase funding to full-time madrasahs and financial assistance to needy students.

Minister-in-Charge of Muslim Affairs, Dr Yaacob Ibrahim said that Singapore has to be prepared to invest more in building up its madrasahs.

In his Budget debate in Parliament, he added that MUIS has made significant strides in the madrasah education system.

This includes the new International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP), teacher development and student enrichment programmes in the works.

Dr Yaacob said that the IBDP in particular will be a breakthrough in integrating academic and religious learning.

He added that the new multi-disciplinary and integrated Joint Madrasah System (JMS) curriculum reflects a major paradigm shift in madrasah education.

Dr Yaacob said: "Our madrasahs are not an alternative to mainstream national schools. Their key priority is to produce qualified religious teachers who are able to meet the changing expectations and needs of our community. They will produce religious leadership that will help our community develop together as good Singapore Muslims by ensuring our socio-religious compass is in the right direction. I am proud that our madrasah students have done well."
