Singapore: Quran Teachers Recognition Scheme (QTRS)

What is QTRS?
Quran Teachers Recognition Scheme (QTRS) is an effort initiated by the Asatizah Recognition Board (ARB) to recognise those who are qualified to teach Quranic lessons in Singapore. Recognition of Quran teachers will ensure that the community receives quality and correct Quranic knowledge. This recognition also hopes to encourage those who teach the Quran to continue upgrading the quality of their teaching based on their qualifications and experiences.

Quran Teachers Selection Committee
A committee called the Quran Teachers Selection Committee (QTSC) will provide overall directions, approve all nominations or applications, and oversee the professional conduct of all approved Quran teachers in the performance of their teachings to the community. The QTSC will be supported by Darul Quran Singapore (DQS), who will act as secretariat to the committee.

The QTSC is currently chaired by Ustaz Mohamed Qusairy Bin Thaha, Team Leader for Quran Education of Darul Quran Singapore, Masjid Kampung Siglap.

The QTSC will be guided by the ARB.

Why the need to categorise Quran Teachers?
  • To provide the community with a listing of Quran teachers with the necessary qualifications
  • To ensure the continual upgrade of the teachers’ knowledge and understanding of the Quran
  • To structure the teaching of Quran to meet the needs of the community
What are the criteria for selection?
  • Candidates who are interested to apply for the QTRS must meet the following primary criteria;
  • Undergone training in integrated Quran teaching pedagogies.
  • Possess basic understanding and application of Tajwid
  • Other qualifications/ skills that are considered by the QTRS Selection Committee includes: Quran Teaching Methodologies/ Skills, Memorized the Quran
How is the Process Implemented?
  • The Selection committee will look through the application forms and conduct interviews and examinations wherever necessary, and categorise them accordingly.
  • The committee may recommend courses to successful and unsuccessful applicants to undergo courses offered in the Quran Teachers’ Training to upgrade their quality of Quran Teaching or to qualify for the scheme.
  • Cases of appeal will finally be referred to the ARB.
What will candidates be tested on?
  • All candidates shall be tested on the rules of Tajwid and the sciences of Ulum Al-Quran (basic). They will also be evaluated based on their recitation of the Quran.
  • Candidates shall undergo oral, written and listening examinations.
Quran Teacher’s Training offered by Darul Quran Singapore
The Quran Teachers’ Training (QTT) is a platform for Quran teachers to upgrade their knowledge of the Quran through various courses offered by Darul Quran Singapore. This is to ensure that the Quran teachers are equipped with the various sciences of the Quran and thus value-adding their teaching.

What are the subjects covered in Quran Teachers’ Training?
The Quran Teachers Training (QTT) Subjects are divided into 2 categories: compulsory and electives.

Compulsory Subjects
1. Tajwid Al Quran
2. Talaqqi Mushafahah/ Sanad
3. Basic Ulum Al-Quran
4. Quran Transliteration
5. Pedagogy, Andragogy and Teaching Methodology
6. Islamic Teaching Psychology
7. Islamic Education Philosophy
8. Al-Quran and Contemporary Issues
9. Basic Fardu Ain

10. Tahfiz Al Quran
11. Basic Arab Language
12. Advanced Arab Language
13. Advanced Ulum Al-Quran
14. Al-Fawasil
15. Dhabtul Quran
16. Rasm Al-Quran
17. Qiraat Theory
18. Qiraat Practical
19. Tafsir
20. Tarikh Al-Qurra’
21. Tarikh Al- Mushaf
22. Basic Tarannum
23. Advance Tarannum
24. Arabic calligraphy

Upon completion of the courses, the Quran teacher with a QTRS grading is eligible to reapply for promotion to higher stage of recognition from QTSC.
